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Bloomsday 2024

Bloomsday 2024

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What:     Bloomsday

When:    Sunday 16th June 2024:

Where:  The Munster Arms Hotel - 10 Victoria Street, Bakery Hill

Time:     12:30pm

The Ballarat & District Irish Association [BDIA] welcome you are to a cosy Sunday lunch at the Munster Arms Hotel to celebrate "Bloomsday".

A uniquely Irish festival, Bloomsday is a celebration of James Joyce's modernist epic Ulysses, held on the anniversary of the day featured in the book, 16 June 1904.

This year there may be some performers!  There will be music.  There will be great company and of course our hosts will provide great food.

Free to attend. 

Food and drink at your own cost. 

We will include a raffle so please bring some cash.

Please RSVP, to help with booking numbers, to:

Mary Darcy – 0407 041 998                     Helen Bath – 0408 590 511              Email:

Or book via:


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