BDIA Membership
We would love you to join us!
MEMBERSHIP: $30 - Currently, membership is through to June 2026. Normally membership is based on financial year.
click on the link to download our current Membership Form Membership Form 2025
The contribution by people of Irish background to Ballarat's social, cultural and industrial development is substantial and the Ballarat and District Irish Association plans to present, celebrate, promote and enjoy this ongoing legacy.
Payment through EFT:
- Name: BDIA
- BSB: 633-000
- Acct: 163076391
- Ref: Your Name
Cheque: BDIA, C/- Treasurer
PO Box 1614, Ballarat MC Vic 3354
To become a member, please enter your details below.
You will receieve an email with further details and membership payment information.